Microchipping Your Pet: A Small Device with Big Benefits
As pet owners, we want to ensure our furry family members stay safe and sound, even if they accidentally wander away. While collars and ID tags are common solutions, they can be easily lost or removed. Microchipping offers a reliable and permanent way to help reunite you with your pet if they go missing. Here’s why microchipping is a smart, simple choice and how it can make a big difference.
What Is a Microchip?
A microchip is a tiny, grain-sized device implanted just under your pet’s skin, typically between the shoulder blades. Each chip contains a unique identification number linked to your contact information in a secure database. Microchips are passive devices, meaning they don’t have batteries or transmit signals—only a special scanner can read the chip when it’s activated by proximity.
Why Should You Microchip Your Pet?
1. Increases the Chance of Reunification
A study by the American Veterinary Medical Association found that microchipped dogs are more than twice as likely to be reunited with their families, while microchipped cats are 20 times more likely to find their way home. When shelters, animal control, or veterinary clinics scan the microchip, your contact information will be immediately available, which can speed up the reunification process.
2. Permanent Identification
Unlike collars and ID tags that can get lost, microchips are embedded under your pet’s skin, offering a permanent way to identify them. Even if your pet loses their collar, the microchip will still be there, helping to ensure that anyone who finds them has a way to contact you.
3. Simple, Quick, and Virtually Pain-Free
Microchipping is a quick procedure that can be done at our clinic during a routine visit. The process is similar to a vaccine injection, causing minimal discomfort and no need for anesthesia. Once implanted, the microchip won’t bother your pet—they won’t even notice it’s there!
4. Proof of Ownership
In addition to helping locate lost pets, microchips can serve as proof of ownership. This can be especially helpful if your pet is stolen or if there’s a dispute over ownership.
5. Globally Recognized
Microchips are recognized worldwide, which is especially helpful if you travel with your pet. The majority of microchips are universal and compatible with scanners used by vets and animal shelters worldwide, so no matter where your pet is found, they’ll be able to scan the chip and access your contact information.
How Microchipping Works
The microchip contains a unique identification number linked to your pet’s profile in a secure database. After your pet is chipped, you’ll register your contact information, which can be updated anytime through the microchip company. It’s crucial to keep this information current—microchips are only effective if they’re connected to accurate details.
Is Microchipping Right for Your Pet?
If you’re looking for a secure, effective way to ensure your pet can be identified if they’re lost, microchipping is an excellent option. Collars and ID tags are still recommended, but microchipping offers added peace of mind. It’s a one-time procedure that gives you and your pet a lifetime of benefits.
Visit Highland Veterinary Clinic Today
We believe in doing everything we can to keep your pets safe. Microchipping is just one small way to provide a big impact on their protection. Let’s work together to keep your beloved companion safe and by your side!
Schedule an appointment with Highland Veterinary Clinic to have your pet microchipped or to learn more about this invaluable tool for pet identification. Visit our office in Evansville, Indiana, or call (812) 710-4300 today.